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Adanced Plant & Soil Science

This course prepares students to produce and grow greehouse and nursery plants, and to maintain plant growth, and to make new plants from others.  Plant and Soil Science provides a way of learning about the natural world.  Students should make new plants from others.  Students should know how plant and soil science has influenced a vast body of knowledge, that there are still applications to be discovered, and that plant and soil science is the basis for many other fields of science.  This course is designed to involve students with horticultural (plant) sciences with the emphasis on hands on skills while teaching the students career opportunities using plants in Horticulture.  The majority of the class time, students will enjoy caring for and experimenting with plants out in the greenhouse.  Investigations, laboratory practices, and field exercises will be used to develop an understanding of current plant and soil science.  This course is designed to prepare students for careers in the food and fiber industry.  This is a Tech-Prep ATC articulated course.  Students must be in either 11 or 12 grade. 
This course will count as the 4th science option.


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